Research and Trainings Department:

Rayan Foundation established Research and trainings department which works on the following segments;Health care orientation trainings and awareness, which provides to the community understanding how they can prevent communicable diseases, typically this department works with other Rayan Departments, e.g. during raining mosquitoes are found largely and Rayan gives orientation as well supplying mosquito nets. This department also provides trainings on HIV/AIDS and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Democracy: Rayan Foundation works with interested international organization on Democracy and good governance issues in the stabilized areas of the region. As we organize conflict and peace resolution trainings to enabling society know about impacts of conflicts and values of Peace. Poverty reduction: Rayan Foundation aims to alleviate poverty in the region which is one of the overall goals of the foundation and welcomes always research activities concerned about the reduction of poverty. Human Rights; Rayan Foundation keeps records related on human violence against civilians and the community as a whole, which will be presented at the right time to the concerned agencies in order to make an appropriate sentence to those violated the law. Coverage of Rayan Foundation: Currently Rayan Foundation operates in Horn of Africa; the HQ of the Foundation is in Somalia, and having liaison offices in Djibouti and Ethiopia,